Garden of Paradise
Garden of Paradise
Why on Earth are we building a Garden of Paradise?
It’s simple:
We want to do our part
to help turn the whole Earth into a Garden of Paradise.
Imagine what we can all do together if, little by little, each of us does what we can to make the place we live, the place we call ‘Home’, as lovely as we can....until we turn the whole Earth into a Garden of Paradise.
That’s our dream.
As we move forward each day, doing our part as best we can, we keep in mind these questions:
-How can we turn a semi-abandoned, weed-covered farm into a true Garden of Paradise? What wants to be ‘born’ here?
-How can we encourage and inspire others to do the same kind of thing wherever they are?
-What would it take to turn the entire Earth into a Garden of Paradise?
-How can we help support this happening all over the Earth?
-What new ‘game rules’, what new economic and social systems would serve Earth and Life better?
-How best can we all work together to create a way of living on Earth that’s ecologically sustainable, caring and mutually empowering?
- What will success look and feel like?